Float Data Type In C++
Float Data Type ?
A floating-point data type is used to store real numbers such as 3 .28, 64. 755765, 8.01, -24.53. Floating Point data type is used for storing single precision floating point values or decimal values. Float variables typically requires 4 byte of memory space.
➦This data type includes float and double' data types. The various floating -point data types with their size and range are listed in Table.
➦Float is also used in situations that can tolerate rounding errors that occur due to the float precision of seven digits.
double num = 10098.98899;
Example 1:
Output :
1.4013e-45 0
Example 2:
Output :
Example 3:
Output :
Size of char : 1 byte Size of int : 4 bytes Size of short int : 2 bytes Size of long int : 8 bytes Size of signed long int : 8 bytes Size of unsigned long int : 8 bytes Size of float : 4 bytes Size of double : 8 bytes Size of wchar_t : 4 bytes